Settings/Presets: Name, store, and recall your output values (discrete and/or analog)

Hi All,

Ever have the need to save the current state of certain outputs, to recall at another time?

For example, we have a nifty groov Demo which involves a fish tank that’s lit and animated using an assortment of digital and analog outputs. To put the tank in a particular state, say, “party mode” perhaps, or “green volcano” in the case pictured, I wrote a looping chart, attached below (import into any 9.3 or newer PAC Control strategy).

I use the pointer table (called ptScenePoints) essentially as the list of outputs I’m going to store or recall for each “scene.” I also have 3 more tables where each index corresponds to a particular scene number.

First is a string table called stSceneNames which is just a label for each scene. In the image, I’ve named the first three (scenes 0, 1, and 2) to be “all off/dark” or “purple volcano” or “green volcano.”

Next I have a float table called ftSceneOutputValues. Since each scene can have many values, I’m leaving room for up to 100 by have scene 0’s settings start at 0, scene 1 starts at 100, 2 and 200, etc.

Finally, a set of scene states (a Numeric Table) called stSceneState where a scene’s value of 0 is the normal (nothing happening); 1 is what the HMI will sent to say: “save settings” (cleared when done by the chart); and 2 means “recall settings” (also cleared when done).

Below I’ve attached the looping logic which appropriately updates these various tables.

To hook this up to the HMI of your choice (e.g. groov shown here), you just need 2 buttons and one text input for each scene you’ll allow the user to name, store, and recall. The name is just hooked to the string table stSceneNames[X], the Store button will send a 1 to ntSceneState[X] and the Recall button sends 2 (also to ntSceneState[X]), as pictured below for [5]:

To use it, you can name a scene, get all your outputs set to correspond to that mood/preset, and press “Store.”

For my first scene, I created one with everything off (perhaps the state I’d what to “Recall” when I’m walking out the door). That also helps for testing other scenes. I can do a “Store” of a new party mode. Then “Recall” the off state, then “Recall” my new party mode and see everything go!

Be sure to always groov and party responsibly, of course. :slight_smile:


Here’s the chart to import: (3.92 KB)

I have a need to introduce a future user with zero automation experience to Groov View as she will be a future user of a Groov EPic system I hired a system integrator to build. I believe I saw a URL for what I call an “aquarium volcano” that has a public url where I could use this tool to address some of her first time automation anxiety. If anyone could share the aquarium volcano public URL or a public equivalent that would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, the aquarium is down for maintenance at the moment. And with everything (Covid) going on, I do not have an ETA of when it will be back up and running.
The rest of the demo site is still up and running, so feel free to pop on over there and take a look around; and log in with a user/pass of trial/opto22

Feel free to ask any questions, groov View is super easy to get up and running.
Try groov for free You can download the Windows version and use it for free 2 hours at a time. We even offer the demo project so you can load it on your own PC an take a look at how it works. Opto22 - groov Demo

Keep in mind that groov View allows you a lot of freedom to create the look and feel you need.
For example, if you want really big navigation buttons, you can build that easily.
Also the platform she will be using most will partly dictate the screen layout… For example, will she be using a phone, a tablet or a PC the most? With groov View you can build the screen to suit both the user and the device.
Here is a great forum thread on the colors and different layouts you can achieve with groov View.