Upgrade node.js version on Rio Groov


New to Rio and Node-Red, but not to an awful lot of other stuff.

I’m trying to install node-red-contrib-mssql-plus. I’m trying to do it through the browser and installing via manage palette. The failure I get appears to say that the version of node.js is too old. Am I correct in this, and how does one go about upgrading node.js on the Rio? Via SSH?

Any helps, thanks.


Here is the failure log:

Welcome to the Opto Forums Russell.

Upgrading nodejs is not currently an option. (Even via shell).
For now, the best option is to find the highest old version of the node you can install.
(I have not used the one you mention, so I don’t have an exact number to suggest).
Terry describes how in this post here:

Thank you Beno. I naively assumed that a quick ssh and package update would do it, I guess I was wrong. I saw the page that Terry uses in his solution, but it wasn’t clear to me what it’s function was. Now I know! Also, sorry for not putting in the actual error message. The forum doesn’t let new users do too much.

I’m very much looking forward to using this system. Thanks again.