Installing node-red-node-serialport (EPIC firmware 3.5)

A customer had issues installing node-red-node-serialport at the latest version (2.0.2 at the time of writing) with groov EPIC firmware 3.5, and unfortunately the NPM packages and their prerequisites are out of Opto control, so I dug into it and found a workaround.

To get it installed, go to the manage “install nodes” interface from groov Manage Home → Node-RED → Advanced: Node Management, it looks like this…

Once you’re there put in the module name node-red-node-serialport and put in just 0 for the version number, since 0.×.× is the lowest version available for this package. For me this installed the module at version 0.15.0 without any errors.


This trick may work for other node packages you’re having trouble installing, so feel free to play around with it! Just be sure to start with the lowest available release, if there is no version 0, but there is a v1, then start with 1.


I am using Groov Rio at the moment, but it did not install when using that method, is there any other way.
It said it was installed at the end, restarted node red but the serial node is not there.
System Version: 3.5.0-b.46 (Groov Rio)

Did you also refresh your browser with the editor open?
Restarting Node-RED is necessary to bring the serial port node into the core, but you will also need to refresh your editor browser tab so it loads there as well.

It worked after i pressed the restart button in groove manage, Than you!

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How do I install Nodes on Groove Node Red Nodes RIO ?

I don’t see the serial node any where

I don’t see the same page in the Groov RIO settings?

How do I install the serial port in Node Red in Grove RIO?

Make sure your groov RIO has at least Firmware version 3.5.0 installed. If you need to update the firmware, you can use the just released version 3.6.0. Only then you will see the page mentioned above in groov Manage.

Firmware downloads:

The serial Node is not a standard Node in Node-RED. It needs to be installed manually. Usually via the “Manage Palette” feature in Node-RED.

Currently the groov RIO doesn’t support the atest version of the node-red-node-serialport Node. That’s why you need to follow the steps that Terry is describing at the beginning of this thread.

@gerhardK I upgraded the firmware and am trying to install the serial node.

I get an error

As @gerhardK said, please read the very first post in this thread.
It has the instructions on how to install the serial port node.

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Thank you, Needed to use version 0 instead of 2.0.2