When timestamp is injected to BACnet Read block then “Error: ERR_TIMEOUT” appears. So please help in reading a single parameter over BACnet IP using node red.
When timestamp is injected to BACnet Read block then “Error: ERR_TIMEOUT” appears. So please help in reading a single parameter over BACnet IP using node red.
@gazalam Here in the forums you can find a post where someone has succesfully connected a EPIC-PR1 via Node-RED to BACnet.
Epic to BacNet using Node Red
That should get you started.
Timeout Errors usually mean that the device is not replying. That can have several reasons like cabling, addressing, etc.
Please help on this issue of frequent initialization of Node red as shown in the attached snap. After some time the status changes to “Initializing” & then it appears as “Running”. After some time of running it again shows stars as seen in the snap & then the cycle of initializing & running repeats. Please help to fix this issue as restarts to groov didn’t help. When the status is initializing then there is no impact on groov ie it shows the home screen only
View the Node-RED log.
You have an error in one or more of your flows, and it’s causing Node-RED to restart.
You can see the number of restarts was at 30 when you took the screenshot.
You can view the log here:
I trust that you have been making backups of your project as you develop it so you can go back a version or two and see what changes you made that are causing the restart error.