October 8, 2022, 1:40pm
Welcome to the forums!
This is a Linux file system permissions issue.
The user that Codesys is running as does not have permissions to the file system directory you are using.
Its the same issue here:
I’m trying to use the relatively new file transfer capability with Ignition Edge and am running into permission issues for the unsecured files in the EPIC. Using scripts in Ignition, I’d like to download a still-image jpeg from a security camera to the EPIC. The library urllib and function urlRetrieve do that well on my Windows computer, but I can’t get it to work on the EPIC. When I try to save file to the EPIC unsecured directory ‘/home/dev/unsecured/’, I get ‘permission denied’ from the Opto…
Grab yourself a free shell license (if you have not done so already) from here:
Tweak your permissions and you should be up and running in short order.
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