Unknown board - 80659B - Please help reprogram

Can someone help me identify this board? It came inside a network rack with keypads and solenoids installed for keycode entry and I want to be able to program new codes.

Rack and controller pics

Anyone ever seen this?

Im out of the office/factory this week so that might be some of the delay chasing this board down.
I’ve only been using Opto just shy of 40 years and have never seen anything like this board… .will need to really try and find some more out about it.
If you are looking for a replacement I doubt we still make it (if we even made it in the first place).

If you can hang on till next week I will be sure to try and get to your post at that time.

The board is an obsolete SNAP-M48 I/O mounting rack. The rack has been replaced by SNAP-PAC-RCK12. I’d ask around to find out whether the two racks are 100% compatible.

Do you have a link to some docs? The only thing hooked to the board are 2 numberpads. I was hoping I could figure out how to reprogram the codes so I can use it. It is installed in a network rack I bought

Here is a close up of the part number and brain/controller mounting on the M48 rack…

The board in @barnitos photo is nothing like this board?

What software is the system you have running?
Windows, Linux or something custom?

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All of the above in VMs in that 21u rack.

It is strange, all that hooks to that board are magnetic door sensors, door solenoids, and 2 keypads. There are no other communication headers so I assume it is programmed from the keypad.

Sorry, that was not what I meant… But I think you answered the question, you don’t have any software to access the keypad board.

Where do the two cables highlighted go?
I think they might be serial, but am not 100% sure.

The 2 RJ45s go direct to the front and rear keypad on the network rack.

I’m not sure if this helps but here is a link to a ebay listing that looks similar but not the same.

Thats an Ethernet card that slots into the M4 controller.
Very different card and function.

I found the Opto part numbers for the keyboard controller, just trying to see if I can find any old docs.

These are old SMC custom parts. CMC to belong to Fisher Hamilton who was I think part of Fisher Scientific. We sold keypads, the converter, and a serial type module. I programmed some about two decades ago and I haven’t seen these items since then. I know that we’re trying to locate the old documentation for it. But it should be under two decades of dust. Will keep you posted if we can locate any documentation for you.

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Ok, finally found out why we don’t have much information around here…
We only sold those boards to SMC and they handle all requests like yours (ie, how to reprogram their equipment).
Since its their product, we don’t want to undermine or bypass their ‘owner authentication’ process.

We refer you to their support page:

Thank you very much!