I’m a still a rookie when it comes to opto so bear with me, I haven’t had to do this before so I need some help. I have the Snap-Pac-R1 and a flow meter that gives a 0-5 volt output for a 0-2 liter flow rate. The flow rate will vary over a 10-15 minute period and I would like to know the total flow for that period. I have no idea where to begin so any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Hello mfish!
Welcome to the OptoForums. I’m glad you found my post on analog totalizing, hopefully that’ll get you where you need to go.
FYI, we’re working on a new platform for our OptoForums (and our whole website) so hopeful in the not-to-distant future you won’t have to “fish” around so much to find what you need! Har.
Anyway, can you tell us more about your application and if you got your totalizing all sorted? Always fun to know how people are actually using our hardware in the real world…
We are building a 38 kW energy system for an unmanned submarine that is powered by aluminum and water. One of the components we are using in an off the shelf pump so I will use opto to simulate the work the pump will do once its installed so we can determine its reliability.
I remember you from the training I took at Opto a few years ago…
If you are using an R1 controller, you will be able to get on timer values for the digital points pretty easy, so if you are just looking to see how long its on, then you can use that function.
(In other words, the analog totalizing is for analog points, timers are more common for digital points).