Static IPv6 on Epic PR2

I would like a PR2 to join a network where all the other devices have static IPv6 addresses. The requirements say… “We are using IPV6 for this network and all connections are ad-hoc.”
I don’t see any IPV6 settings on the network configuration. Is it there and I don’t see it? If it is not there now, might it be available someday?

The Linux OS supports it, but we have not exposed it. Yet.
So yes, its sort of there, yes, we plan to have a groov Manage section for it.
But, for now, if you have shell, you are welcome to explore and report back to this thread.

This is going to take some time before I have real customer information to go on, but I thought I would at least report back that I was able to bang in an IPV6 address into the Epic with SSH and successfully ping6 it from my PC. So like Ben said, the IPV6 is there and it works. When I need to dig in I will reply back with the set up.
I didn’t know much about IPV6. There is a lot of good information out there in text and video form for coming up to speed in less than 30 minutes.

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@dp_engsberg Thanks for coming back to share your success!

Keep us posted as you learn more information about your customer’s application.