I’ve been running a SNAP-PAC-R1 in my home automation setup for the last 7 years and it has been very reliable so far. Until last night that is…
The first symptom I noticed was that some of my NodeRed flows could no longer poll the R1. The “PAC read” nodes in the flows would sometimes show “Connection refused” or “ECONNRESET” when they were being refreshed periodically by an inject node.
The second symptom is that the R1 now frequently fails to connect to the FTP server which logs all sensor data to CSV files containing temp, humidity, electrical voltage/current/VA, smoke detectors, leak detectors and heating loop information. I’ve verified the FTP server is indeed accessible and appears to be running normally and is not running out of storage space but the R1 frequently returns the following error messages:
-52 (Invalid connection)
-36 (Invalid command or feature not implemented)
-449 (FTP: error while setting local port number that incoming data connections should use)
Thirdly after rebooting the controller from PAC Manager I noticed that some of the startup messages I normally add to the queue appear to be garbled. For instance, when the unit powers up I check if all charts are indeed running, send an email and add this info to the queue like so:
I_Status = StartChart(MODBUS_POLLING_LOOP);
if (I_Status == 0)
EMAIL_Body_str_arr[3] = “- MODBUS_POLLING chart started successfully”+CRLF;
EMAIL_Body_str_arr[3] = “- MODBUS_POLLING chart failed to start”+CRLF;
However the information in the message queue appears like this (notice the repeating word successfully):
Device has powered up. (‘Powerup clear expected’ message received.)
Controller was restarted
SNTP clock sync successful!
Attempting to start 8 charts
- MODBUS_POLLING chart started successfully
- LEAK_DETECTION_LOOP chart started successfully
- ALARMS_LOOP chart started successfully
sfully - DATA_LOGGING_LOOP chart started successfully
- HYDRONIC_HEATING_LOOP chart started successfully
- INPUT_LOOP chart started successfully
cessfully - MODBUS_LIGHTING chart started successfully
ully - TIMERS chart started successfully
All charts were started successfully
The I/O part of the controller still seems to be working fine (lights are turning ON and OFF, switches are being read, sensors and heating loops are still running as normal etc) but I seem to be experiencing multiple failures with external communications and logging.
I’ve tried restarting the controller, erasing and uploading its program a few times but the problems are still present. I just noticed there has been a firmware update since I last checked (currently running R10.4c). I’ll try updating to see if this helps and post back but if you have any suggestions or possible explanations why this could be happening all of a sudden I would appreciate. I have a feeling this might be some kind of memory corruption issue…