I am using a GRV-EPIC-PR2 with GRV-CSERI-4 to read serial data (RS-232) from an ultrasonic welder (the welder outputs a string with a line break every time a weld cycle is run).
I am also attempting to send commands to the welder over the same RS-232 line per the manual for the welder. According to the manual I can send the string ‘PS’ with a line break and the welder will ouput a specific message (the weld settings) over the same RS-232 line (I am attempting all of this while the welder is NOT in the middle of a cycle).
I was able to get the welder to respond to my messages in the debug pane, but not as expected. I received the message ‘E99 Line too long’ from the welder, which according to its manual means that I sent a string longer than 40 characters.
Based on this information I am wondering if I am using the inject and serial out nodes incorrectly and the welder serial port is receiving something other than a pure ‘PS’ string.
Probably worth noting that the welder very old so this could be an issue internal to the welder.