Problem with open CSV file

Hello everyone.
I have a small problem with opening .txt file in Codesys.

The file was created in the groov RIO, As you can see on the picture. Yes, the file exists in the groov manag in folder unsecured, but when I try to open it, I get the error message that 5114 No access due to ForceFilePath/ForceIecFilePath.

Guys, any ideas?? It’s driving me crazy.

I have opened codesys as an administrator.

Can you send me your projectarchive to take a look at this issue. It will probalby be to large to email, so a service such Dropbox, One Drive, WeTransfer, or Google drives will work. You can send it to

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Good morning,

I have found the problem. Codesys doesn’t want to take a file from home/dev/unsecurw. I had to move it to home/codesys/output.txt. It is caused of a new security feature implemented to secure online file and directory access by codesys. Please find below more information.

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