We have a client that wants to link an R1 to a file system located on a Domain server. This what the system has:
1 All in Computer (running PAC Display runtime) linked wireless to an R1 Ethernet Port 1.
They wanted to hard wire the Ethernet port of the all in one and make the all in one join the domain, all while PAC Display is linked wireless to the PAC R1. I think it will cause more problems doing it like this.
My question is:
Can I leave the current configuration and then just have the 2nd Ethernet port join the domain and then be able to access the files on a secured connection to the server’s file system? Has anyone achieved this? Any other suggestions?
Can you draw a picture of this and take a photo of it with your phone or some such and post it here?
I am just having a bit of a hard time visualizing what you have, what you want and how it glues together.
Here is the layout. The client wants to save/load recipes to/from the Z: Drive. Another thought, can I use the SD Card and have both networks access it?
Thanks for the diagram and extra information, very helpful.
The PAC R (or PAC S) can not access the Z: drive. It has no Windows shares driver capability.
That said, you mention that you want PAC Display to access the Z: drive in this post, that you can do.
So the PAC Display can get the recipe files from the Z drive and via PAC Display send it to the PAC R.
Since the Z: drive computer is not plugged into a network switch, you are using the wifi in the computer to talk to the PAC R. Not the best idea, but workable.
Honestly, you would be better putting the wifi adapter between the Z: drive computer and the all in one and then run the PAC R to it as well… You have a 4 port switch on the back of it, use that rather than wifi and put everything on the one subnet (192.168.x.x). Much faster and more reliable.
The point of this is to have two separate subnets. I do not want the all in one or the R1 joining a domain based network, but somehow still access the Z: Drive files. Don’t know if it is possible.
With my layout (using the Ethernet port 1 of the R1), can the server access the R1’s SD Card?
Yes, the server can ftp to the R1 if it is on the same subnet.
An R1 can never join a domain - that is a windows only thing. It can still be on the same subnet though, just like a printer or IP camera.
Then the PAC Display machine needs to be on the same subnet as the server.
In your original post, you mention leaving your current configuration, but never state what that is. If you are already using wifi to connect to the R1, and you want the recipes stored on the server, then add the PAC Display machine to the network. It doesn’t need to join the domain, but will need credentials to access the mapped network drive.
I agree with Philip. Anytime you can connect without wireless, then do so. It’s great to have for cases where you need it, but properly installed copper is always more reliable and less complex.
I see that you have both copper links set as 101, unless this is a typo, you’ll need to change one or others address to 102 or something.
Keep in mind that if you are using different power sources with different ground planes on each end of any Ethernet copper connection, you’ll need to an optical isolator to prevent blowing out the ports on either end, otherwise run fiber.
Remember, a switch allows anyone on that switch of the same subnet address (such as to connect to each other. Just because the R1 would be connected to the server on the same subnet and ip doesn’t mean it has to connect, it just capable of connecting, and therefore the server could connect to the R1 via FTP.
The problem with the wireless connection in this case is it is connected to a PC, not a switch. PCs make lousy switches and you would have to set up a bridge between the wireless and the copper port on the PC.
Just connect the switch to the PC and connect the server to the switch, then everything has same subnet on same network (not same network address).
The subnet notation I used above refers to subnet.
I appreciate the feedback.
The current configuration is exactly what you see in the picture. (.101.102). What i need to add is the (or whatever it actually is) and Barrett, I will only use one or the other, that’s why both copper links have the same IP address (not a typo).
So at this point, I think I like the idea of using Ethernet port 1 and the SD card. Here are few questions about that:
I’m not an expert working with ftp. Will PAC Display be able to U/D Load recipes to this SC Card? Or will I have to scrap the U/D load capabilities and just create each file (or recipe…or what it actually is… a part program for a CNC machine) through opto script?
Let’s say there is one workstation on their Domain network that is running SoftPAC and PAC Display Runtime.
The strategy and display program just assists them in building a valid part program. The person that sits at this workstation (in the office) builds these part programs during the day. They want these part programs secured, backed up and somehow sent to the R1 or the AIO (which is what I am trying to do). Each part program has a .pdf attached to it and gets loaded on a secondary screen at the console (PAC Display handles that). They also want to send a list to the R1 of what needs to be run for the entire day. This what I am trying to achieve.
Backing up a bit. I have already got all of this working at the All in One level and the office workstation can create part programs and store them on the Z: Drive. Initially, the manager would take the files (USB Drive) to the AIO and copy the part programs, lists and .pdfs to the proper paths to the AIO. The operator can now start his day. Apparently, they don’t want any part programs or .pdfs stored on the AIO.
Also, what they really want is to auto load (or let the operator choose) from a list of part programs on the R1 or AIO and grabs the files from the secured network drive.
So you are already using the WiFi and all that is working fine. Now add the AIO to the company network with the ethernet connection you are proposing, map to the network drive on the AIO, point your PAC Display recipes to that drive and be done with it. The AIO doesn’t have to be a domain member, but it will likely require domain credentials (a domain user account) to connect to the share depending on the shares permissions.