Refresh Time: Group 6 (15 min)
1 Samples per Refresh Time
Start & Stop Trigger Disabled
Log To Log File on C: Drive
Name Automatic
Lines Buffered: 20
Number of Files to Retain: 24
Rollover: Months
Keep file open & Use 0.01 Sec. resolution
Logging two values, one analog input and one float variable. Haven’t noticed a pattern in time or duration of missing data. Any ideas or suggestions???
I don’t know that it’s the root of your issues, but if you’re only logging one row per 15 minutes, you probably don’t need to buffer lines or keep the file open. If PAC Display Runtime were to crash with 19 lines in the buffer before writing, you could lose almost 5 hours of data. Ideally that wouldn’t happen, but I’ve noticed that random Windows events can knock out PAC Display Runtime at times, so maybe give those changes a shot.
Are both missing or just one of the two?
Its been a while since I have done any historical logging in PAC Display, but reading the fantastic manual (RTFM) reminds me of the samples rate should be more than 1…
I wonder if your samples per refresh means your missing some at times?
Well, I think its sorta good that they both go missing.
So that points to the scan rate window just missing them totally (but randomly based on the where the moving windows is in when they need to be logged).
BTW, I also agree with @varland to not buffer so much and not keep the file open given the slow speed of your logging. No need to put your data at risk.
The ‘file close’ thing was done for back in the day when spinning hard disks did not not open/close/open/close very fast. Hence buffer in RAM. Those rusty hard drive days are behind us.