I’m trying to write from the OptoDataLink application to an MS SQL 2012 server, but it fails with an error that it cannot connect to the Table. Testing connectivity works and there aren’t any additional log info to troubleshoot. Any ideas?
I’m trying to write from the OptoDataLink application to an MS SQL 2012 server, but it fails with an error that it cannot connect to the Table. Testing connectivity works and there aren’t any additional log info to troubleshoot. Any ideas?
Hello Jacques,
Welcome to OptoForums! Our newest (to be released very shortly) version of ODL includes a lot more log info to help with troubleshooting. I’d strongly recommend you contact PSG (our Product Support Group) for perhaps a beta and some help with troubleshooting (it’s free!) and I hope you’ll report back what you learn!
Thanks for your response. I’ve used Windows 7 with SQL express 2008 (32bit) and Windows 8 with SQL Express 2012 (64 bit), both without success. I’m using ODL ver 9.3a in both instances. I think it must be on the database side, because I can write to Access without issue. Are there specific security or other requirements on SQL that must be considered?
Hi Jacques,
Have never used SQL, so cant comment on that exactly, but I know when I set up MySQL, you must make a user that can accept connections either from any source, or the specific IP address that the ODL PC is running on.
The user must have rights to the DB you are trying to modify.
Lastly, I had a situation where the Windows ODB Data Source test button would work, but my connector would fail.
Turns out that I had to edit the my.conf file on the Linux PC and tell MySQL to ‘skip_name_resolve’. Once I added that line, (and got the user set up right), things started working a treat.
Perhaps some of that might apply to SQL on a Windows PC…?
Thanks for the info, Ben. I’ve looked through the security related settings and cannot find anything that looks to be an issue. Also, the SQL logs do not note any access problems. I log this with PSG, hopefully they can shed some light on the cause.