For high-speed reading (less than 1s scan time) I have gotten really great results with UDP streaming configured via OptoMMP, is that something that would work for your application?
Here are some posts on how I’ve set up UDP streaming with Node-RED:
Thanks to a post in an earlier thread by @philip (link ) I have been testing UDP streaming of digital channels, but focusing on using just Node-RED, rather than groov Manage and Python.
This approach is entirely based around the OptoMMP endpoints for streaming configuration that’s fully explained under “Streaming Configuration–Read/Write” in “Appendix A” of the Opto22 - 1465 OptoMMP Protocol Guide
The specific address is 0xF03FFFC0, and uses the 10 32-bit integers that follow to configure diffe…
Building off of a project from earlier this year, (Very) fast way to read digital inputs via UDP streaming using ONLY Node-RED , I’ve written some extra code to process floating point values for analog AND digital I/O at the same time. The cool thing is that with all that data you can easily combine the results based on your channel configuration so that an entire groov RIO module can be streamed – regardless of how your RIO is set up!
For this example I am streaming all my RIO Learning Center I…
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