New USB WIFI Adapters

Has anyone found a USB WIFI Adapter that works with the Groov RIO module? The adapters that are listed in the Groov RIO manual dated May 2021 are all quite old and some obsolete completely. I am hesitant to base a system architecture on hardware that may become obsolete early in the lifecycle of the system.


Welcome to the forums Tim.

Opto is aware of the wifi driver requirements and is working hard on an update (no firm ETA just yet).

Many of the called out adapters are available new from sellers on eBay.

Thank you for the quick response. Purchasing from Ebay for production equipment is not allowed by my management. I need to be able to purchase from one of our approved vendors. I will continue to check back for updates.

@fillenwarth_timothy One of our sales engineers took the initiative to do some searching and see what your options were. (At least for a few months till the new firmware update comes out that will address this and many other issues).

They came up with this. Perhaps there are some options here to get you over the line…