Modbus Slave on R1

I’m trying out the TCP slave modbus routine but for some reason the controller is responding to slave modbus requests without the chart running. Is there something on the controller configuration I’m missing? I’ve run it on PACsim with no problems but on a PAC-R1 its ignoring the slave modbus table and writing values from somewhere else. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi tjcrusher,

Welcome to the OptoForums! Your PAC-R, -S, -EBs hardware will respond to slave requests w/no strategy in them since they Modbus built-in, right out of the box (the slave part)!

Check out this doc for details, addresses, etc.:


Is there any way to turn that feature off?

Nevermind, I figured it out. Just changing the modbus port to something else other than 502 in PAC manager works.