Is it possible to configure the two ports on a controller as a network pass through?
I have a network connection and a PC (HMI) connection. Trying to keep from adding a separate switch, if possible, and I want to have network access to the PC. Is this possible?
Hi Joe,
Configure: No.
Program the controller to do that: sure, our controllers w/comm handles are super flexible and amazing, we give you lots of rope!
But our SNAP-PAC-EB brains are a different story, any of those in the mix?
WTMI (way too much info): sometimes there’s a big difference between “could” vs. “should.” In this forum post we discuss something similar (and I included a sample chart of how one might do such a thing). But I’d suggest to you that a little switch would be quicker/cheaper to add/maintain and less likely to give someone a headache.