In Firefox, the image is normal. Cannot be displayed in Chrome. Why?

In Firefox, the image is normal. Cannot be displayed in Chrome. Why?

These are Video gadgets, right? If you copy the URL for the gadget and try to visit it directly in Chrome, does it work?

It is normal to use URL directly in Chrome. However, it is not displayed in groov, and I don’t know why.

Are you using groov as a proxy?

Hmm. Do you use groov as a proxy? This checkbox in the gadget settings in build?

(Just saw Ben’s post pop up while I was adding an arrow to that screenshot. :smile:)

That really shouldn’t be a issue if it’s working in Firefox, but it’s worth narrowing down the problem space.

Are you at all comfortable with Chrome’s dev tools? Hit F12 (on Windows or Linux, Shift-Cmd-I on Mac OS X) while you’re viewing the page with the Video gadgets on it and see if there are any errors reported in the Console or Network tabs?

That’s the problem. In chrome, you must select the proxy.
Thank you very much.