We are working on implementing a process that I asked about in this thread Groov Rio Capabilities
Meanwhile, I was asked to start looking into database logging or someway to setup a historian like functionality. Due to the network restrictions, there is limited opportunity to setup an access to a database and log from RIO directly unless it is the only available solution. I am thinking about using OptoDataLink installed on the Groov Server PC to log data and capture the files locally.
Any other recommendations that you guys have dealt with and experienced before?
Glad to hear that things are progressing with your project.
I’d suggest skipping the OptoDataLink middle-ware and go direct from Node-RED to your database.
Just do a forums search for the database you intend to use.
Here is an example thread - It gets into MS-SQL more than MySQL, but is a great example of how you can format the data in Node-RED and send it direct to the db.
As usual, take a look and feel free to ask any follow up questions.
There are some cool nodes to go from Node-RED to InfluxDB as well: node-red-contrib-stackhero-influxdb-v2 (node) - Node-RED. Once you get data into something like InfluxDB, it’s trivial to pull it out for visualization using something like Grafana.
Influxdb and grafana are a great pair! I use node-red nodes for smaller projects. Influxdb’s Telegraf data collection agent scales really well with MQTT if you get your config and schema right.