I Figured This out: Mistic controller connected to Genesis HMI

Anyone ever have an arcnet communication issue with “new” noise? Our HMI is having strange characters pop up and communication seems slow or not working at times. We have been upgrading our Mistic controllers to snap pac controllers and then we use PAC control and Display for interface. I was just hoping to figure this out and to delay the upgrade for a while longer.
THE ANSWER WAS THAT ONE OF THE G4 POWER REGULATOR MODULES HAD A BLOWN FUSE. This cause all kind of noise on the system. The monitor looked like it need degaussed. I am not sure why it had this behavior, but our system was wired in the mid 90s and the wiring method or lack of any and grounding is horrible.

THE ANSWER WAS THAT ONE OF THE G4 POWER REGULATOR MODULES HAD A BLOWN FUSE. This caused all kind of noise on the system. The monitor looked like it need degaussed. I am not sure why it had this behavior, but our system was wired in the mid 90s and the wiring method or lack of any and grounding is horrible.

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