How to add another user/password credential security layer to the Node-RED editor

If you’ve ever used Node-RED outside of Opto products, on something like a PC or Raspberry Pi, you would have noticed that it does not have any security by default (although it can be added manually – more on this later). On the other hand groov does have built-in security, using both https and requiring a username and password to access anything from groov Manage to the Node-RED editor and even the Node-RED UI dashboard page.

One side effect of this is that anyone with valid credentials to view the dashboard, for example an operator, can also use that username and password to log into the editor – which could contain keys or passwords, and is of course vulnerable to tampering or even being deleted entirely.

Thankfully it is possible to make Node-RED secure on other systems, as described on the Node-RED documentation site here:
We can also make use of this on groov devices providing an additional login layer before users can access the editor, without locking down the dashboard UI(!)

By giving the operators a groov account but not this Node-RED account you can be sure that only the people you want are able to access the Node-RED editor, without also blocking access to the dashboard.

You can basically follow the documentation linked above but to make it simple I’ll break down the steps here.

  1. You will need shell access (however a gateway to the internet is not required).

  2. Get your password hash and save it. This command will prompt you for the password:
    node-red admin hash-pw

  3. Open the settings.js file with your text editor of choice. You must use sudo.
    sudo nano /usr/share/nxtio/services/node-red/settings.js
    sudo vim /usr/share/nxtio/services/node-red/settings.js

  4. Uncomment the adminAuth section under “Securing Node-RED” (lines 108 - 115 from “adminAuth: {” until the last “},”), delete the default password and replace it with your password hash from step 2. You can also pick any username you want.

    adminAuth: {
        type: "credentials",
        users: [{
            username: "admin",
            password: "$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.",
            permissions: "*"
  1. (Optional) to create additional credential sets for multiple users or have a read-only permission, just add them to the users array like this:
        users: [{
            username: "admin",
            password: "$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.",
            permissions: "*"
            username: "user",
            password: "$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.",
            permissions: "read"
  1. (Optional) you can also have a default access level (this should be read-only) by adding a default property:
adminAuth: {
    type: "credentials",
    users: [ /* list of users */ ],
    default: {
        permissions: "read"
  1. Finally, you will need to restart the Node-RED runtime.

  2. Now when you attempt to open https://hostname/node-red/ you will first have to log in with groov Manage credentials, and then log in again with the Node-RED credentials you just created.

Hopefully this helps keep your Node-RED flows secure without giving up the ability to access the editor when needed.

Happy coding!


:+1:t3: :+1:t3: :+1:t3: Thanks Terry, Extremely useful and something we have been requesting for quite a while now

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Just an update to this one.
groov EPIC (and soon RIO) firmware 3.3.1 includes the official solution to this workaround.
The firmware update includes a groov Manage way for what @gmitchell requested some time back (Terry’s work around was not what George actually requested, but did get some of the way there).

You can now select Node-RED to be one of the apps that launches as soon as your user logs in.

I’m going to leave this thread up, but just be aware there is a much better way to do this now.

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I would say that the improvements and possibilities provided by 3.3.1 are generally beyond my wildest dreams. Waiting for the porting over to RIO where the need to isolate the user to the node-red dashboard is even more important. Congratulations to Terry and all the Opto22 team for their effort on this one. groov really is the gift that keeps on giving