Has anybody written PACControl program to directly text to Verizon via cell modem instead of texting via emailing?

Has anybody written PACControl program to directly text to Verizon via cell modem instead of texting via emailing?

yes it’s possible
we’ve done it to a few different cell modems but not to verizon, they pretty much all use the same AT commands. You using the serial port on a S1/S2 controller?

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I was just thinking about this very thing. Actually, I was wondering if there is a way to text directly from PAC Control, not through email (xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com).

Yes, I did it at the hospital I used to work at and I know at least two customers doing it direct. (In one customer case, they don’t have access to an email server, so text message is the only way ‘out’).

The modems just take serial 9600,8,n,1 AT commands like @Jakes said.
So from a high level you just send the AT=wake up, AT=phone number, AT=messageToSend, AT=send.

Then for ‘fun’ we also did a AT=check for new incoming text and if the phone number matched a safe list and if there was the right 4 digit pin in the string, then the chart would do the command in the text message (ie, start 2 megawatts of generator).

if anyone wants some sample code let me know

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I would like sample code.

Thank You

Here is a SMS chart we did some time ago (just unzip and import into a strategy, I used V10.4 to export)
A little bit of noise in the chart to filter through but it will get you going in the right direction.

Good luck
SMS_CHART.zip (5.5 KB)

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