Groov View Text box format

Hi, Currently having some issues with text gadget format. I am getting pid output from 0 to 100%. I wanted to show pid output value in groov view like 100%. But if I enter #.## % the groov view values changes to 10000.00%. Attached images as reference. Thanks

Can you show me on your tags pane where you are finding the PID output number? I just did this on mine and it seems to work fine.


That was an unexpected behavior of the text formatting library we use, sorry. It automatically scales numbers if you use a percent sign. To turn it off, add a single quote (') character before the percent in your format string.


Thanks jonathan. Its working perfect.

This is good to know, I’ve been using the unicode division symbol as a percent sign :sunglasses:

Heh, this is one of those things that I’m afraid to change. Some people are definitely relying on the behavior at this point and I don’t want to break their projects in an update.