Hi, is there any way to just show user and password fields in the log in page in the ethernet 1 port? (not showing Groov logo or OPTO 22 brand) Security reasons, showing Groov EPIC and OPTO22 is a little too much information for the cyber paranoid. Thanks!
I am aware, perhaps this will a nice option to have in the unsecured networks port. Some quick googling “Groov EPIC” or “OPTO22” and some digging can get anyone into ports information as a start and then you never know.
Im not in a position to provide an example for this, but… I know of a few customers that have shell access and have tweaked that log in webpage to remove / add different things.
So while unsupported and undocumented, and would require re-doing after a firmware update, I know it is possible.
I wont mess with shell access, this is not to hide something, it makes sense not to show what hardware is behing in the web now a days. Perhaps in the future we will have the option just for ethernet port 1. The less info for b or g hats the best.