Groov View data to a PC via Node-RED?


I’m new to Opto22 and Node-RED, and I want to gather data from my Groov View to my PC using Node-RED. Can I do that?

Thank you for any help.

Hi there Ann Marie. Welcome to the Opto22 forums.

If I am following your question… at the moment groov View is a HMI only. Its not a gateway.
So any devices you add to it, you cant extract data out of those devices in groov View for use in other software packages.

If we just back up a little, usually you can get the data from your existing devices into Node-RED without going via groov View, so what devices are you using that you’d like to see their data in Node-RED?

Sorry, my question is not that clear.

We have a Groov View chart that is automatically extracted using an internet downloader, but it sometimes fails. I was wondering if Node-RED could extract the data from our Groov View chart and write it to a CSV file.

Those data are process variables (temperature, pressure, and gas).

Ah, gotcha.
Yes, you can do that.

That flow should get you up and running quick.

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Thank you very much for the help. I will look into it