Groov View button with action in Node-RED

Pretty basic question that I hope is obvious to others…

What is the easiest way for me to have a momentary button in groov View that (when pressed) will trigger an action in Node-RED? I created a button that I’d like to connect to:


Is this Node the one I should use? If yes, what is the Data Store that I should use?

Hi @grant1, The button tag should be added to a DataStore in groov View from configure devices and tags and the setup in Node Red will be the DataStore Name and the Tag Index which can be seen in the Data Store in groov View when you set up the tag. Then you can set it up to be read at a scan interval and use MSG.Payload for your code.

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Thansk @JCampbell Easy peasy!

One tip… I ended up using a TON of groov View to Node-RED controls (and the other way around).
At first I just made the one data store nodeRED, but that quickly became a super long list of tags, so now I have a lot of smaller data stores that are named application or device specific.
Much quicker to sort and keep track of.