Groov Rio Node Red modules excruciatingly slow module install/update/remove

Is this a known issue or is there something wrong with my Rio?

23 Jan 07:58:13 - [info] Uninstalling module: node-red-contrib-aedes
23 Jan 08:02:04 - [info] Uninstalled module: node-red-contrib-aedes
23 Jan 08:02:04 - [info] Removed node types:
23 Jan 08:02:04 - [info] - node-red-contrib-aedes:aedes broker

23 Jan 08:02:57 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-contrib-countdown to version: 1.3.2
23 Jan 08:06:30 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-contrib-countdown. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 08:06:53 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker to version: 0.2.9
23 Jan 08:25:12 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 08:27:52 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker to version: 0.2.9
23 Jan 08:42:52 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-contrib-mqtt-broker. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 08:48:12 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-contrib-opcua to version: 0.2.293
23 Jan 10:13:20 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-contrib-opcua. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 10:13:20 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-contrib-simple-message-queue to version: 0.2.8
23 Jan 10:28:16 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-contrib-simple-message-queue. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 10:49:40 - [info] Upgrading module: node-red-dashboard to version: 3.3.1
23 Jan 11:05:01 - [info] Upgraded module: node-red-dashboard. Restart Node-RED to use the new version

23 Jan 11:30:14 - [info] Installing module: node-red-contrib-os, version: 0.2.1
23 Jan 11:44:33 - [info] Installed module: node-red-contrib-os

The OPC UA module took well over an hour.


The OPCUA node is a known beast. Its building around 400 packages.
I recall it taking around an hour way back when we first started testing it.
Can you use the groov Manage Data Services now?

The others, they seem a mixed bag. I am wondering what your RIO is doing while doing these upgrades?
In other words, it looks like you have the RIO doing its usual task and then doing a bunch of building nodes for the upgrades.
With no upgrades going on, take a look at the Help-> System info and see what the RIO CPU % is hovering at… That will give you an idea why the upgrades take a few minutes.

Looks like everything ended up working, eventually. I think what threw me off is the squiggly “working on it” visualization would give up after about 30 seconds making me think it was done / gave up, but it was continuing in the background.