This is local IO for the Epic controller in Pac control. The local control sees the IO just fine and knows the states if changed. The IO in the strategy wont enable due to comm issue.
#, Code, Severity, Description, Chart, Block, Line, Object, Time, Date,
0, -539, Info, I/O error; performing retry, <system: _INIT_IO>, N/A, N/A, A2Controller type: 402008 , 08:08:41, 10/08/24,
< forums admin snip of the many many errors for readablity >
93, -69, Error, Invalid parameter (null pointer) passed to command., Comm, print.1, 15, (null), 08:08:53, 10/08/24,
94, -69, Error, Invalid parameter (null pointer) passed to command., Comm, print.1, 18, (null), 08:08:53, 10/08/24,
Have checked IPs, rebooted, Pac term connects and shows same errors with comm to IO down. This unit has been working before. Changed secondary IP and unchecked/checked local loopback. Think config issue but dont know where else to look