Error 10057 in PAC Control SNAP-PAC-R2

I have been trying to connect my SNAP-PAC-R2 controller with PAC Control. I have successfully assigned an IP address through PAC Manager. However, when i try to debug my code in PAC Control , it shows the error: Ethernet socket error: socket is not connected, code -10057.
I have already searched all similar forum posts.

A few quick things to check…
Can you ping the R2 from your computer?
Check the IP Address of your R2 controller. Does it match the IP address of the ControlEngine?
If you have multiple control engines, make sure the one that matches is Active, which will be at the top of the list.
Does the IP Address of your computer matching the subnet of the R2’s IP address?
Are you plugged into the proper Ethernet1 or Ethernet2 port on the R2?

It’s all solid advice from @dp_engsberg, and the only thing I can think to add is to test with PAC Terminal to eliminate an issue with the strategy.