Joined on 04-13-2009
Posts 2
Controlling a Watlow F4 controller with snap?
Has anyone had any luck controlling an watlow controller any help would be great?
04-13-2009, 5:00 AM
Joined on 06-20-2008
Posts 5
Re: Controlling a Watlow F4 controller with snap?
By using serial Modbus protocol you can control watlow devices.for that you have to use Opto’s Modbus Serial Integration Kit for PAC Project. and by using that you can control this watlow controller.
we tried that with watlow CLS204 and we can sucessfully communicate this watlow controller using PAC.
04-13-2009, 8:10 AM
Joined on 04-13-2009
Posts 2
Re: Controlling a Watlow F4 controller with snap?
Thanks that’s what I wanted to hear and I already planned on using the integration kit