I have Pro Face HMI and wanted to connect a Groov RIO to it. The Pro Face supports Ethernet/IP but uses drivers for Rockwell devices and asks for a slot number on the communication settings. Is it possible to get these devices to connect or should I look for a new HMI? This is for a local screen only and the user cannot have access the full Groov Manage page.
Here is the Pro Face Manual for Rockwell connections
Here is a list of all supported communications
proface pfxgm4201tad hmi manual pdf
The RIO will be running Codesys.
The HMI will get an authorization code from an operator, if that code is good then it will allow the operator to open a gate. The RIO will be monitoring an analog signal and send a digital output to close the gate when the analog signal hits a setpoint. At that point everything is reset for the next operator.
The RIO running Codesys can be used with the " CODESYS EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave) SL" library, offered in the Codesys Store. You need to purchase it there and install it on the RIO. Library Datasheet