Configure groov through shell access

I set up a large number of groov epics which can be very time consuming, I was wondering if I could write a script to set the epics up to help save time vs using the web pages.


Hello and welcome to the forums!

My first pass answer is “It depends”.

I don’t know what steps are required for your application so its hard to be specific.
Some of the steps could be automated (scripted) via shell, I wonder what your Linux comfort level is?

If you can guide us with a little more information as to what you are looking to script, we are happy to bounce some ideas back and forth.

Thanks for your reply, I am fairly new to linux but I am learning.

so the things we set up are.

I can automate the account set up through the web pages, but don’t like doing things that way.
Add crontabs (that I have done)
edit the firewall settings.
turn off pac controller.
turn off red node.