Codesys and snap brains

I just noticed this on the announcement for the new codesys package;

Install this package to your CODESYS Development System so you can begin adding groov EPIC and groov RIO devices to your CODESYS project.

Can you communicate with snap brains/controllers using codesys on an EPIC controller?

You can. Now that we have released the MMP Functions in Codesys we have 2 ways to communicate with SNAP I/O. All SNAP I/O can be modbus I/O, and our groov EPIC Codesys license we provide includes the Modbus TCP Master SL. You can find the modbus I/O reference in the Modbus Protocol Guide. Now you could also use the MMP Functions to access SNAP I/O using MMP.

For me personally, it is easier to add Modbus Devices and I/O using the hardware configuration:
(EPIC with SNAP-PAC Learning Center as I/O)

vs Function configurations:
(EPIC with RIO controlled via MMP)

but feel free to use what option suites your skillset and application.