Codesy device user pasword

Hi all I forget the user name in codesys device user Logon
Gratefull if anyone can help


Do you mean the groov EPIC/RIO?
Or you have a password on a computer PC that is running codesys?
Just not sure what device or where the password prompt is showing up for you.

Note that there is no default user/pass for either EPIC or RIO, you will need to factory reset them and start fresh (you have them backed up right?)

It is my epic learning center I have groov manage adminstrator credential
I forget codesy device user logon credencial.

If you have not licensed the unit and are just getting it set up, the simplest method is to just paper clip the unit.

If you have a SHELL License, and are comfortable navigating the command line, then there is another option.

Verify the following directory /var/opt/codesys do a ls -A to make sure you see these files.


Then remove these files using this command

/var/opt/codesys $ sudo rm .UserMgmtRightsDB.csv .GroupDatabase.csv .UserDatabase.csv .GroupDatabase.csv .UserDatabase.csv__

Validate these are gone by doing a ls-A

Now you should be able to login.

I recommend starting and stopping the runtime however “if start and stop the runtime you will be prompted to create the new password and login, and redownload.”

If you don’t want to use passwords or login then add this to the CodesysControl.cfg.
Stop the runtime, sudo /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol stop
Restart the runtime
sudo /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol start

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I reseted the unit, with paper clip, and created new credentials.
How do I assign the license ticket again?
after reset I tried to add licese but codesys trigger a message saying “the licence was used previously” , do I have to perform a license recovery and priorassign it again?


Can you email me the EPIC serial number and the codesys license key. My email is