Cannot open OptoScript Blocks

Hello, I recently started having this issue where I am unable to open OptoScript blocks when I double click them. Here are the steps I’ve made to attempt to fix the problem:

  1. close and reopen PAC Control 10.5
  2. use an older version of my project
  3. restart computer
  4. reinstall PAC Control 10.5

Other notes - I am able to view the contents of action blocks, conditional blocks, and continue blocks

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Welcome to the forums Jacob.
Sorry, you’re having issues… Not one that I have heard of in the past.

Can you please email our support group with this issue.
They will assign you a ticket number and ensure it is tracked till it’s resolved for you.
All their contact details are on that page, I suggest you start with email and include the information you have here in this post.

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For anyone having this issue, your dialog boxes for the OptoScript blocks could be hiding off-screen making them seem like they aren’t opening.

Here are the steps you can take to quickly fix this issue:

  1. Close and save any changes in your PAC Control strategy if it is open
  2. Reopen your Pac Control strategy
  3. Click Tools → Reset Dialog Positions

Once you do this, attempt to open an OptoScript Block and the dialog box should appear in the center of your screen