Black Screen Issue with PAC Display Runtime Need Help

Hi everyone,
Black screen appears when I launch PAC Display Runtime for my project. The controller and strategy are running fine, but the screen stays black after loading. Has anyone faced this issue or knows how to resolve it? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.

Hi Rom, welcome to the OptoForums!

Does the Windows PC work Ok otherwise? Can you alt-tab to other programs?
Can you see the use file/edit etc menu at the top of the PAC Display program?
Ive never seen anything like that in my years of building PAC Display (One project had 15,000 windows).
You may wana hit up our product support team for this one: Opto22 - Support


Thanks for the response! Yes, the Windows PC works fine, and I can Alt-Tab to other programs. However, the “File/Edit” menu isn’t visible in PAC Display. I will reach out to Opto22 Support for further help.

Appreciate your guidance!