Terry, I’m looking into the screen you built in View, particularly the small ‘Indicator Buttons’ for moving the files from Local to USB and back. In the ‘Indicator Button’ Properties, I noticed a ‘Table Index’ field that does not show up in the normal ‘Indicator Button’ Properties. I noticed in the Node-Red Data Store that the tags for these button are of ‘copyUSB [5]’ etc. Curious, is this a new button or does it open the ‘Table Index’ field due to the fact that the tag ‘copyUSB’ has a table of sorts
@DWatts You’re spot on – the reason that happens is because copyUSB is in fact a boolean table with indexes 0-4 to give us the five buttons, whereas the refresh button is just a single boolean, so there’s no need for a table index. The button gadget recognizes when you select a boolean vs. a boolean table, which is what you’re seeing here, but they’re all the same type of button.
So while there are only 8 tags total, 4 of those tags are tables which is what leads to the total of 24 uniquely configured gadgets.
Terry, Page ‘Import’ question. I exported your page ‘USB Drive’ and was attempting to import it into my current project. I tried several times, continue to get Error 'Failed to import page. Details: Could not parse request json.
Dave (see attached photos)
Hmm I’m not sure why that import error is happening – I’ll look into it and update this thread with anything I find @DWatts, thanks for letting me know.