USB File Management with groov View and Node-RED

Terry, I’m looking into the screen you built in View, particularly the small ‘Indicator Buttons’ for moving the files from Local to USB and back. In the ‘Indicator Button’ Properties, I noticed a ‘Table Index’ field that does not show up in the normal ‘Indicator Button’ Properties. I noticed in the Node-Red Data Store that the tags for these button are of ‘copyUSB [5]’ etc. Curious, is this a new button or does it open the ‘Table Index’ field due to the fact that the tag ‘copyUSB’ has a table of sorts

Thanks, Dave

@DWatts You’re spot on – the reason that happens is because copyUSB is in fact a boolean table with indexes 0-4 to give us the five buttons, whereas the refresh button is just a single boolean, so there’s no need for a table index. The button gadget recognizes when you select a boolean vs. a boolean table, which is what you’re seeing here, but they’re all the same type of button.

So while there are only 8 tags total, 4 of those tags are tables which is what leads to the total of 24 uniquely configured gadgets.

Pretty Cool

Thanks Dave

Terry, Page ‘Import’ question. I exported your page ‘USB Drive’ and was attempting to import it into my current project. I tried several times, continue to get Error 'Failed to import page. Details: Could not parse request json.
Dave (see attached photos)

Hmm I’m not sure why that import error is happening – I’ll look into it and update this thread with anything I find @DWatts, thanks for letting me know.

Paging @Jonathan_Fischer… I think you mentioned this error in the past, but I cant find it now…
Any thoughts?

There are a handful of broken gadgets for page imports in groov View 4.2:

  • Oval
  • Rectangle
  • Text Area
  • Value

Those text area gadgets in the page are unfortunately keeping it from importing, and I don’t have a way to work around that. :-/

I can rebuild the page in our current project, I just thought importing was simpler. Oh Well

Thanks, Dave