New Trending for Groov

Any thoughts on adding the ability for groov trends to send a copy of data to an external metric database (graphite, influxdb, etc.)?

I doubt anything like that will make it into groov proper in the near term, but you could probably pull it off with Node-RED. Download the trend data as CSV (just copy the links from the trend you’re interested in), massage it however you like, and upload it to your time-series database.

Jonathan, I’ve been testing out some of the newer trending functions and I’ve found that when I try to use the new trend type and change the time measured it freezes. I do believe it might be because a value is showing up as infinite. Is this a known issue? Is there something I can do to fix the freezing?

What do you mean by changing the time and freezing? The trend just stops updating?

The Entire Trend stops functioning. I cannot move the section of the trend i’m viewing in anyway. I am forced to reload the entire page to get it working again.

And by changing the time, do you mean changing the trend’s update period or scan interval?

Any time I move that bar on the bottom left of the trend.

That looks like a 1 year trend, right? What’s your update interval on it?

We filter out Infinity and NaN at render time, so those values should just show up as gaps in your data.

I believe the intervals are 15 secs

The Gaps are find, I’m just trying to find out why the trend freezes when i try to change the time interval shown.

If you log in to the groov instance here:, do you see the same behavior?

Username operator, password operator.

The time selection/slider is way more finicky than I’d like, and it’s high up on my list to fix, but I haven’t had time to dig into it yet.

And two other questions:

  1. What’s the yellow icon in the upper left corner telling you when you click on it?
  2. When your trend gets stuck, can you use the Zoom buttons to get out of it?

Sorry about responding so late. It mentions that it can’t read a listed value (Normal behavior)

Zooming doesn’t change. It stays there regardless.

Also when i log into your instance no issues.