OPC Read & Clear Counter

I’m using the Opto OPC server to interface with my Labview project using data sockets. I can read my quadrature counter fine, but the Read & Clear instruction does not work.

Both variables are set up as Read Only controls, and I “read” the one mapped to the COUNTERDATA_READCLEAR when a button is pressed. I cannot write to this variable, only read.

Not sure what else to try, any suggestions are appreciated.


Hello Tsinkler,
Welcome to the OptoForums! Did you get this sorted out?
Sometimes the read/clear stuff can be confusing, since those CAUSE a clear (which is like a write) as you do the read. When you did that READCLEAR did you check to see if that changed the value?

The READCLEAR cannot be utilized through the OPC server. I switched to the Archonwest drivers for Labview to perform the function.