PAC Display Configurator "Graphic Dynamic Attributes" window size

I have recently reset my computer and when I reinstalled PAC Project, the Graphic Dynamic Attributes window inside of PAC Display Configurator doesn’t fit everything inside it. I’ve attached a screenshot of the window.

Does anyone know what windows or PAC settings I’m missing that would make this window the correct size?

it’s a compatibility mode issue (windows being windows again…)
Close DisplayC program
Open DisplayC file location
Right click on DisplayC and go into properties
Click on the compatibility tab
At the bottom find and open “change high dpi setting” button
This bit is where it’s trial and error for me…
Tick the Program DPI scaling tick box.
Relaunch application

That should solve the problem. If it does not then tick the box at the bottom - Override High DPI scaling behavior. Try application first, if that does not work then move to system.

These options should sort you out.

Good luck

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For some reason, that worked for the old version of OptoControl, but it hasn’t seemed to work for PAC Display Configurator.

For now I have been using the option of ‘Use Older Dynamic Attribute Dialog’ which has been fine.

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I recently went from a Dell to a StinkPad and developed this issue. Both laptops are Win10 with the latest updates. I tried every combination of the compatibility mode fix with no success. The only thing that worked for me was to enable the “Use Older Dynamic Attributes Dialogs” option in the PacDisplay “Configurator Options” from the File menu dropdown. Thanks guys for your solutions.

Found out the Alarm Points config window still doesn’t show correctly.
PacDisplay AlarmPoint config window

Can you please drop an email to support so they can work with you to get this fixed.