Write to a groov Data Store table with Node-RED

In case you missed it, @torchard has written up a nice solution for writing to a groov DataStore table (string, floats or ints) from a single Node-RED groov Write Node.

This is a massive advantage if you are reading records from a database and displaying it on groov pages.
(ie, select * from db).

@Beno I am trying to move data from Modbus TCP tag into Groov Datastore. I have seen that this is not possible as each data source tag store is isolated from another. Are there ways to realize this as have tried using the Node-RED groov write node which i was able to do by manually testing msg.value but couldn’t write modbus tag to it.

We do it here at Opto for testing different devices and many customers also move modbus data to the groov data store tag.

Put a debug node on the output of the modbus node, double click it and set it to ‘complete msg object’.
Take a look at what the msg property path is and use that in the groov data store node.