Help me. Groov displays Chinese String Problems

The Chinese string in the character array can be displayed normally in PAC Display, but not normally displayed in groov. What should I do? Help me.

Shortly, groov can’t figure out what character encoding your string is in, and renders the wrong glyphs. groov always uses UTF-8: if you can write your strings in that format, they’ll display correctly in groov.

The Opto 22 controllers don’t have any concept of character encodings: they simply store and return the raw bytes that are given them. PAC Project and PAC Display will write strings using the same encoding that your computer is already set to use, and since the controller returns the raw bytes given to it, strings display appropriately.

groov, unfortunately, has no way to determine what character encoding strings were written to the controller using. As a result, groov treats all strings as if they were written using UTF-8 encoding.

Hi zhhpei,

Try copying the characters that you want (as seen in PAC Control or PAC Display) into a text box in groov. Then look at the debugger/bytes to see what you get (probably 2 bytes per character you want).

Sometimes you can figure out what bytes you need in the control engine string for groov if you can get a copy that looks good in groov, and then inspect the bytes in PAC Control. (Unicode/non-printable characters are a complicated topic, but sometimes you can get them to work if you can work backwards by pasting them into groov.)


Unfortunately, that means that the alarm messages containing Chinese characters in the PAC controller are not normally displayed in the groov. It’s very inconvenient for my clients to have English alert information. How can I explain to them? Don’t you have any plans for improvement?

What shall I do?:disappointed:

Two Chinese characters (four bytes) are not displayed properly.

Specific how to operate? Please tell me in detail, thank you!

How does the two byte character displayed need to be converted?

Can you copy them from the PAC Control debugger (where they look okay) into that groov “Edit Value” box? If so, what hex do you then see in the debugger?

Thank you. I’ll give it a try. I’ll ask you if you have any questions

“In the past, the same ploblem appeared in Japanese strings as well.
It was fixed with groov ver 3.2a or later.”

Excuse me, when will the groov ver 3.2a be released? Chinese string display problem is also modified?
I made a reservation for GROOV-SVR-WIN-BASE+GROOV-LIC-PLUS this month.
Shall I wait a minute?

Thank you!

@zhhpei groov 3.2a was released many months ago.
The current version of groov is 3.4b

If you have not updated, please visit, log in and get the latest version for your installation.

Can it solve the Chinese display problem I mentioned above? That’s great. It’s too timely