Scaling Modbus Tag Data in Groov

I can’t think of a reason why it would do that. Looks like a bug to me.

The scaling doesn’t appear to effect the value limits. When I leave it as I originally had it, I can go into negative and the compressor displays inHg (inches of mercury, ie. vacuum). The kicker is that anything right of the decimal gets truncated.

If however, I set it as you suggested, wackiness ensues, but the decimals seem to work.

Will it accept 0.0 as the low limit - wondering if that will affect the decimal? (I haven’t used scaling in groov before)

No. I try and it sets it to “0” Also, it keeps trying to force the data type to ‘Float’.

Send an email to support if you can and see if they can figure out what is going on as this doesn’t seem to be working as it should.

The forcing looks like a bug: I can reproduce it here, and it doesn’t look like it happens if you’re using a read-only tag.

Two quick things to look at:

  1. When you were ending up with 29.5 written after entering 30.5, was your high limit still at 185.3?
  2. If you look at your logs, can you find the line where it reports what you’re writing to that tag? It’ll look something like this:

2018-02-20, 15:32:05 GMT-08:00 INFO groov.Audit - User 'jfischer' wrote value 'true' to tag 'bool Variable A' on 'DATA_SIMULATOR'.


2018-02-20, 16:31:19 GMT-08:00 INFO groov.Audit - User ‘NICKV’ wrote value ‘32’ to tag ‘Comp1 Mode1 Setpoint’ on ‘Compressor 1 ( (id 1)/MODBUS)’.
2018-02-20, 16:31:14 GMT-08:00 INFO groov.Audit - User ‘NICKV’ wrote value ‘29.2’ to tag ‘Comp1 Mode1 Setpoint’ on ‘Compressor 1 ( (id 1)/MODBUS)’.
2018-02-20, 16:31:07 GMT-08:00 INFO groov.Audit - User ‘NICKV’ wrote value ‘33.5’ to tag ‘Comp1 Mode1 Setpoint’ on ‘Compressor 1 ( (id 1)/MODBUS)’.
2018-02-20, 16:30:36 GMT-08:00 INFO groov.Audit - User ‘NICKV’ wrote value ‘32.5’ to tag ‘Comp1 Mode1 Setpoint’ on ‘Compressor 1 ( (id 1)/MODBUS)’.

Has this been addressed at all? It seems to be an issue with the read/write tags. I can set read only tags and they are fine, but when I try to set a R/W tag exactly the same it is all kinds of crazy.

I’m in the midst of addressing it now, along with a bunch of general cleanup on all the drivers. Next feature release is currently due around September.