PID controls/varriables?

Is there a reason groov has no access to PID controls or variables on a PAC controller?

It does have access to variables, just not the PID parameters. I too wish you could connect directly to PID parameters. For now I am having to use float variables in PAC and use a chart to pass those back and forth to the PID loop.

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I mean the PID parameters, direct access to them. It’s kind of a strange omission.

Not that it helps, but you also can not get at point data, like max, min, and latches… So yeah, we know, its on the list…


I haven’t try it yet (but planning to) and came across your post, does this mean if using Groov there will be no PID loop tags to use in groov view? So I’ll need to create a PID chart with variables instead of using the built PID loops?

One more thing, what about PID auto-tune features instead of self-tuning in PAC control?
What is the setting range for gain, integral and derivatives?
Is it : Gain (0-999%), Integral (0-9999 sec), Derivative (0-9999 sec)?

Is if using Codesys (in which I’m new and not familiar with), does the software comes with PID auto tune features?

If you need to see your PID settings in groov View, then yes, you will need to have a chart that moves the variables back and forth.

At the moment there is no auto-tune feature in PAC Control.
We offer the web based tuner calculator which works really well. You can find it here;

Please check out the PAC Control users guide for the range of these values (the ones you list are not correct).

I am not familiar with CodeSys and will need to answer that question next week when I have some time to look it up.

Hi Beno, thanks for the reply.

I’ve checked out both PAC Control user’s guide and command reference but there is no stating of the P,I and D range. Only have the units though which is P(unitless), I & D (seconds).

That looks better. Thanks for checking out the user guides.

Don’t forget the scan rate. I feel it is often overlooked and is every bit as critical in tuning a loop as the PI and D values.