PAC Display displaying wrong tag values after firmware update

Has anyone else experienced this?

I updated the firmware on an S2 to 10.0h which went well. Now in PAC Display 10.2 the tag values for IO points do not show the correct values - it’s like they are showing the value of a different point in the IO unit. If I change PAC Display to read from the controller instead of the IO unit, the correct values are displayed. I have not updated the firmware on the brains.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

This may be something to do with PAC Display - points show correctly in 9.5c, but not in 10.2c. Not sure if the issue existed prior to the firmware update as I updated PAC project and the firmware at the same time.

Oh PAC Display are we ever going to get along…

I am experiencing Display issues with the EPIC too.
When I open Runtime the tags do not show up at all until I stop and start the strategy.
All firmware is up to date.

I saw the issue in Opto Display also and ended up installing previous display and configurator .EXE versions R10.2002-119 over current in active directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Opto22\PAC Project 10.2.
Of course some of the older KB’s are back but they were not significant for me and I see a KB out there on this now.

I did see the issues with IO points not showing correct values until I updated the brains firmware and it then went away.

Have you seen a knowledge base entry for this specific issue?