Oracle Node install error

Trying to install node-red-contrib-oracledb-mod, keeps failing. Found the Topic from May ‘17’ just wondering if it is possible to use this node on our PR1’s. Thank You

Fails with following error

npm WARN deprecated oracledb@2.3.0: Update to node-oracledb 4

oracledb@2.3.0 install /home/dev/.node-red/node_modules/oracledb
node package/oracledbinstall.js

oracledb Beginning installation
oracledb Verifying installation
oracledb Continuing installation
oracledb e[31mERR!e[0m NJS-054: Binary build/Release/oracledb.node was not installed.
oracledb e[31mERR!e[0m Pre-built binary packages are not available for architecture=“arm”
oracledb e[31mERR!e[0m Failed to install binary package oracledb-v2.3.0-node-v48-linux-arm.gz
oracledb e[31mERR!e[0m unable to get local issuer certificate
oracledb e[31mERR!e[0m For help see Installing node-oracledb | node-oracledb

npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No repository field.
npm WARN node-red-project@0.0.1 No license field.
npm ERR! Linux 4.1.15-rt18-nxtio-2.1.0+g3024cc5
npm ERR! argv “/usr/bin/node” “/usr/bin/npm” “install” “–save” “–save-prefix=~” “–production” “node-red-contrib-oracle-ng@0.1.6”
npm ERR! node v6.1…

I just tried to install that node on a Windows PC, a Raspberry Pi and and EPIC controller.
All three failed with different error messages.
You might have to reach out to the developer of the Node and run that error past him.

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Hey Beno, really appreciate your time. The Node was created by Oracle lol. Thank you!