Data Logging without Datalink


I would like to log the data of my epic I/O without using FTP and Optodatalink.

Is there any possibles?

Welcome to the forums!

Can you give us a little more information? What your application is, what you are trying to do.

You donā€™t have to use FTP or OptoDataLink at all, so thats no problem.
What data are you trying to move, is it a file that PAC Control has made?

Just a little more information to help us help youā€¦

Thanks for replyingā€¦
My application is that i have to log the data of epicā€™s analog cardā€¦
Store that data into epic and finally fetch that data to pcā€¦

EPIC has a few different ways to do any one thing. We just need to figure out the best way for your applicationā€¦

How do you want to ā€œfetch that data to pcā€?

Do you want to map EPIC as a network drive and move your data like that?
Do you want to use the RESTful interface we provide and get the data like that?
Do you have shell/ssh access on your EPIC? Are you comfortable in shell in Linux?
Do you have any MQTT experience?
Do you have any Python experience?

How can i fatch that data by creating network drive or by restful api??

First thing is that how can i log analog input data??

Are you using a PAC Control strategy to configure the analog input card?

Yes i am using pac control strategy

Ok, cool.
So the thing to do then would be to use a comm handle to the file area and write your data to a file as often as you need.
You get to construct the file any way you like, so you can have a ā€˜timestamp,dataā€™ format if you like.

There are some sample code on the forums to do this.
Here is one example; Convert Integer 32 to Timestamp String - #2 by mstjohn
Here is another; Requesting Code Sample - Writing to Text file in OptoScript

Lets know if you need any assistance to get the file created.

Hi Beno,

Thanks for info.
But,how can i store that data in groov epic?
After that can i retrieve that data ?

Lets just start with getting the data into the EPIC first.

Open a comm handle and write a test file.
Go to groov Manage and from the home page, click on System -> Files -> Unsecured.
You should see your test file there.

Then tweak the PAC Control strategy to write your analog input data to a CSV (for example) file.
Be sure you can view that file from groov Manage before we go any further.

Ok benoā€¦
I will do that firstā€¦
Do you have any documents that shows these steps??

Take a look from page 273 on wards in the PAC Control Users Guide.

That, in conjunction with the posts I linked to in this thread should get you up and running.

PAC control Writing to Text file is very Handy:

Pre Requisite:

  1. Define an empty communication handle: chFileW
  2. nNumHeader = i
  3. a header string table: st_Header[i]
  4. a data string table: st_Write_Data[i] (you need to convert desired data from float to string)
  5. Other variables are self-explanatory (Please compile and create unknown variable accordingly)

s_CRLF = chr(13) + chr(10);

// Assign Filename (this is for epic file directory)
sFilename = ā€œ~/unsecured/filename.csvā€;

// Assign No of Headers (or columns)
nNumHeader = 29;

// Check if File Exist
// Assign File Command
sFileCmd = ā€œfile:r,ā€;

// file exist flag
nFileExist = 0;

// Read File
sFilename1 = sFileCmd + sFilename;
SetCommunicationHandleValue(sFilename1, chFileW);

// open file for reading
ns_chFileWO = OpenOutgoingCommunication(chFileW);
if(ns_chFileWO==0) then
// EPIC always returns 0, even if file exist (bug maybe?)
nFileExist = 1;
// close file
ns_chFileWC = CloseCommunication(chFileW);


// force file exist = 1, because of bug maybe (change to 0 or 1 manually)
nFileExist = 1;

// If file does not exist, create new file with header else append file

if(nFileExist==0) then
// Assign File Command
sFileCmd = ā€œfile:w,ā€;

// create new file
sFilename1 = sFileCmd + sFilename;
SetCommunicationHandleValue(sFilename1, chFileW);

// open file
ns_chFileWO = OpenOutgoingCommunication(chFileW);
if(ns_chFileWO==0) then
    st_Header[0]  = "Date_Time_Started";
    st_Header[1]  = "Date_Time_Ended";
    st_Header[2]  = "Param_1";
    st_Header[3]  = "Param_2";
    st_Header[4]  = "...";
    SetEndOfMessageTerminator(chFileW, ',');
    ns_write = TransmitStrTable(nNumHeader,0,st_Header,chFileW);
    ns_write = TransmitString(s_CRLF, chFileW);
// close file
ns_chFileWC = CloseCommunication(chFileW);


// Set Communication Handle to Append

// Assign File Command
sFileCmd = ā€œfile:a,ā€;

// Append to file
sFilename1 = sFileCmd + sFilename;
SetCommunicationHandleValue(sFilename1, chFileW);

// open file
ns_chFileWO = OpenOutgoingCommunication(chFileW);

SetEndOfMessageTerminator(chFileW, ā€˜,ā€™);
ns_write = TransmitStrTable(nNumHeader,0,st_Write_Data,chFileW);
ns_write = TransmitString(s_CRLF, chFileW);


ns_chFileWC = CloseCommunication(chFileW);


Its working very good.
Thank you guys for guidance.

Can i Create only one note pad file in a day with time interval of data log is one minute?

Not sure I totally follow your questionā€¦
You can create as many files as you need, just give each one a different file name.
You can log data at what ever interval you need, 1 minute or faster.

I want to log data into a single text fileā€¦
Exatly my question isā€¦